Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Other blogs have covered the damage of the windstorm rather well, and I too, had made the tour with camera in hand, but this I absolutely loved. A lot of people know about the herd of deer at the radio towers on grant line road (if you dont, all you have to do is drive by right before the sun goes down, and usually you can three to eight deer, bucks, does, and yearlings)

This particular group of deer pictured above can be found in the early morning hours on Coes Lane, just off of Charlestown road. I have never seen them after 7:30am, but have seen them more often than not if I drive down Coes lane before 7:15. Look for them on the left side of the road if you are driving away from Charlestown road just before the first bend in the road.

Another scene, which of course, I did not have my camera for this morning were three raptors all in a row, lined up from big to small, a red tailed hawk, a red shoulder hawk, and an American Kestral. Reminded me of one of those commercials "more bars in more places".

Hope the clean up is going well for everyone, and please try and help out a neighbor!!

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